Games for future education

Games for future education

I was invited by my friend Anna Maria Tammaro to make a presentation for a workshop of the Navigate Project, an Erasmus project that is about developing information and media literacy to fight fakenew using also games. There is a gallery of games in their NaviGame space and they’re working in designin new games. My presentation was focused on three main aspects: the pandemic increases the spreading of fakenews, creating an infodemic and how people changed their trust in information,…

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How much is your school inclusive?

How much is your school inclusive?

On 18th June I had the opportunity to present the Multinclude inclusion matrix at the Future of Education conference in Florence. In my presentation I talked about the project objectives and the color brave approach to the inclusion, the different steps and achievements of the project and the toolkit the project provides to the school for assessing their inclusive policies.



By Eszter Salamon (ESHA) and Eleonora Panto (DSchola) with country specific contributions from #Multinclude partner This article was written for the Multinclude Project Most of Europe had experienced a period not seen since WW2, most of the schools have been closed for a shorter or longer period of time. Most countries had introduced some kind of distance learning, heavily relying on technology available at home and parents as educators. By the time of writing this article, schools have re-started in…

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Patching the digital in the Italian school

Patching the digital in the Italian school

On the eve of the Chinese New Year, on January 25th, 2020 I was back in Turin from BETT in London, the most important European event of Education Technology: among the stands of the companies, many institutional presences from the Arab Emirates, Oman, Morocco, France, who invited to enrol in their schools, presenting the great investments in infrastructure — new schools, transport — to attract teachers in their countries: needless to say that the Italian school was not there, nor were there any startups…

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Multinclude Webinar “Coding for all”

Multinclude Webinar “Coding for all”

During the Webinar, DSchola’s Director Eleonora Panto together with Alberto Parola and Alberto Barbero (both from University of Turin), Maria Teresa Lingua (from Technological Institute “G. Vallauri” in Fossano) and Christian (student from G.Vallauri) will present the implementation and some results of Scratch for Disability (S4D), project that uses coding to engage and support students with disabilities. S4D was designed by DSchola, with the support of the Pedagogy Department of the University of Turin. Join our Learning Community on

Multinclude: more than 70 ideas for inclusion

Multinclude: more than 70 ideas for inclusion

The Multinclude team met in late June to take stock of current activities and future planning. For the second time, we were guests of the Vienna Children’s University, on the university campus. They were two days of intense work that made us reflect on what we learned from the collection of cases. In the analysis phase the NGO partners ECHO, will apply the Theory of Change to analyze the impact of the collected practices and how it can scale. From…

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A Game for Ocean Literacy

A Game for Ocean Literacy

I’m very happy as my article was accepted in the International Information & Library Review  – in the Digital Heritage column. The article is related to applied game we developed for the H2020 Responseable Project – The article describe the process adopted to develop communications tools for increasing awareness about our responsibility towards the Ocean. You can download the article here You can download the game here I’m very interested in your comments.

Education in diversity

Education in diversity

School is structurally a place of inequality: while European classrooms are increasingly diverse, the teacher population remains largely homogeneous and often lacking awareness about their own stereotypes and the multidimensional diversity of their students One of Europe‘s characteristics is the concept of diversity: there are 7000 languages ​​spoken in the world, of which 225 in Europe, and of these 60 are minority languages, but this diversification is further increasing. Currently, 4% of the total EU population is made up of third-country nationals…

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Slow Tech and ICT – A Responsible, Sustainable and Ethical Approach – book review

Slow Tech and ICT – A Responsible, Sustainable and Ethical Approach – book review

“Dear Readers, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is disrupting people’s lives.” This is the way the authors introduce the book: no space for any misinterpretation, the message is strong and clear. But they are not luddites or techno-sceptics: they propose a deep reflection on the design and the use of human centred ICT. The authors propose an approach to ICT that is responsible, sustainable and ethical or in other words, good, clean and fair. They recognise inspirational thinkers, such as…

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When the elevator is not there

When the elevator is not there

Does school have as its goal the preservation of existing social relationships or inclusion and access to knowledge to “work out” full citizenship? School, with all its flaws, is one of the last occasions for social aggregation: the obligation to attend until the age of 16 does not allow families to exercise the choice not to have their children study.  Sending a child to school has a cost for families, but is an investment that is made, sometimes with great…

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