[OER in Italy] An OER Toolkit

[OER in Italy] An OER Toolkit

[:it]For same time insidethe UNESCO OER Community we are discussing about the need of a toolkit for supporting people want to start an OER program.
The toolkit is already available in a draft version on the community wiki and it has been designed to be printed and distributed in the development countries.

Today, the 16th of jume 2008, is officially started the discussion to finalize the document with the contribution of all. The process started in 2006, for the next two weeks, will be devoted to a discussion leaded by the professor Philipp Schimidt who teachs in South Africa.

The Professor pointed that the date of the 16th june is very important talking about OER, as in South Africa, 32 years ago, in 1976, sthe secondary school students of Soweto, protested to have a better education and were attacked by the Police using guns and tear gas. In memory of this event, that is considere a crucial moment in the fight of Apartheid, in South Africa is an holiday called Youth Day.

In the next two weeks, it will take 3/4 days to give an answer to these questions:

1 – Is the document complet?

Are there any topic we don’t talk about?
Are there inside the Community further resources we could include or link?

2 – ARe there any other contents or services we could offer alongwith the text?

What about comments or link, for example?

3 – Are there any other groups of addreesse beside than Universities and practionners (specially in the development countries)?

Could be useful to develop some new kind of materials for this kind of people?

4 – What is the better way to ensure sostenibility and enhacements to the toolkit?

The toolkit is available here

For participating to the discussion, it’s sufficient to subscribe the mailing list. There is also an italian community OERItaly
[originally published on Jun 16th, 2008] [:]

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